Hey Joe, is this a weather pod?

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Sep 17, 2004
Moorpark, CA
I was out at Camarillo last weekend shooting a variety of airplanes when I spotted this one. It looks similar to a FLIR or ECM pod, but I doubt a 172 would need either of those! Someone suggested it was a weather pod of some sort.

Have you seen one of these, Joe? It's the pod on the starboard wing.


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Not the weather radar, antenna, waveguide and all the goodies that goes along with it. It has to have a clear obstructed "view." There's really no other place to put it in a single engine aircraft.
Own ship position overlayed on moving map, realtime doppler updates and FIS Broadcast for strategic flight planning. Pretty sophisticated actually.
Huh? It is likely a TSO-C113 compliant color display with processing to allow near real-time updates of en route inclement wx, NAS status, SUA, NOTAMS, destination airport wx, etc. While I'm not intimately familiar with the equipment, it likely includes TSO-C63c Wx radar capability with moving map and proprietary data link FIS-B (TSO-C149). Maybe I'm stretching the capabilities a bit, but the the potential is there if you are going to spend the money to install a doppler radar and associated cockpit display.

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