Hi from Shropshire.

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Aaaaawwwww come on now, the F-4 Phantom and the F-101 Voodoo aren't that bad.... ;) :lol:
Aesthetically the F-4 is plug ugly; it's only beautiful in action. The Voodoo looks like a swept wing giraffe wearing a muzzle. Admittedly it's the least ugly of the McDs. If you want to talk pretty, check out the Douglas F-4D Skyray. Or the Grumman F-11.
Gents, please don't hi-jack the thread. If you want to discuss you may start your own one in the
Other Eras/Modern sub-section.
Anyway, please stop.
Welcome from Shropshire Trev! Oswestry Shropshire that is, ex - music as well!!

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