Just to come back to this raid (22/23 November 1943). Not only was the Alkett tank works damaged, having only recently moved from the Ruhr as a result of RAF operations against that region, but amongst numerous industrial premises destroyed or damaged were 5 factories of the Siemens group. 175,000 people were bombed out, an express objective of area bombing, and 50,000 troops were brought into the city to help manage the damage and clear up, some from over 100 Km away. The latter points are some of the effects of the bombing campaign which are very difficult to quantify, but certainly didn't help the German war effort
This raid was also the swansong of the Stirling, the type never flew to Germany again.
The RAF lost 26 aircraft (11 Lancasters, 10 Halifaxes, 5 Stirlings) equivalent to 3.4% of the 764 aircraft sent on the raid.