High quality Lancaster flying pics

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Master Sergeant
Nov 21, 2007
Ankeny, Iowa
Anyone have any high quality pics of Lancasters flying? My screen resolution is 1280x1024. Wanting some pics that do not have to be enlarged to fit my screen.

I also would be interested in any HQ pics of any plane for that size. I have looked a little on the internet, but haven't found any decent ones. Maybe I should just PM Lanc!

Thanks in advance!



  • Avro Lancaster2.jpg
    Avro Lancaster2.jpg
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  • Avro Lancaster MKI.jpg
    Avro Lancaster MKI.jpg
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  • Avro Lancaster MKII.jpg
    Avro Lancaster MKII.jpg
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  • Avro Lancaster MKII flying on One Engine.jpg
    Avro Lancaster MKII flying on One Engine.jpg
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These are the best Images from my collection.
All are available as 2304 x 1728.


  • bomber.jpg
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  • p51d.jpg
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  • roulettes.jpg
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  • Wirraway.jpg
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Thanks for all the pics. Everyone who has not should check out Gnomeys links above, there are some real nice, hi quality, wall paer sized pics on those sites.
Yeah there is some good stuff on Google and the BBMF site

Just remembered I have this last one in my collection (that I downloaded of here a while ago). It is a RCAF Lancaster with 2 Ryan Firebee Drones carried on the wings. Taken postwar but still and interesting picture.


  • Lancaster MKXDC (KB851) Carrying Two Ryan Firebee Drones - RCAF.jpg
    Lancaster MKXDC (KB851) Carrying Two Ryan Firebee Drones - RCAF.jpg
    95.8 KB · Views: 136
Hi Bryono,

>Anyone have any high quality pics of Lancasters flying? My screen resolution is 1280x1024. Wanting some pics that do not have to be enlarged to fit my screen.

I can meet the size criterion at least ;)


Henning (HoHun)


  • DSC02718.jpg
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Thanks HoHun. Great shot. To be honest, the Lancaster was not my favorite looking bomber for a long time, but after learning more about it, and reading all the discussions it has been a part of on this forum, and looking at pictures, it is becoming one of my favorites.


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  • 0729668.jpg
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  • avrolancaster_air2.jpg
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