Generally speaking, Target Distance (D), Rate Of Fire (ROF) and Muzzle Velocity (MV) are known as primary factors for hitting a moving/maneuvering target . Again, generally speaking, it is well known that the higher the ROF and the MV and the lower the D, the better the Hit Probability (HP).
As to D, since bullets have a dispersion, we can assume (with some simplifications) that bullet paths are contained within a "cone" whose "height" is D and with a base proportional to the square of D. Therefore statements like "doubling D reduces the hit probability by four times etc." can be easily and intuitively understood.
But what about a more quantitative analysis about the influence of ROF and MV?
Looking for "guru's statements" we can find:
"To find out the effective relationship between any two weapons systems, simply square the ratio between their rates of fire. IE, a plane that fires twice as many bullets as another will be four times as effective, ALL OTHER THINGS BEING EQUAL!"
"The USAF made many studies and determined that the third power of the difference between any two muzzle velocities would show the difference in probability to hit. In W.W.II the Germans determined that the square of the differences in muzzle velocity was equal to the difference in hit probability. The Russians came to much the same conclusions…".
Unfortunately no simple/clear explanation is "attached" there. I guess this could be an interesting point to be discussed here.
Thus my question is: is there anybody that can help with some clue/insight/documentation/ about a more quantitative analysis relating HP, ROF and MV?
As usual, thanks in advance!
As to D, since bullets have a dispersion, we can assume (with some simplifications) that bullet paths are contained within a "cone" whose "height" is D and with a base proportional to the square of D. Therefore statements like "doubling D reduces the hit probability by four times etc." can be easily and intuitively understood.
But what about a more quantitative analysis about the influence of ROF and MV?
Looking for "guru's statements" we can find:
"To find out the effective relationship between any two weapons systems, simply square the ratio between their rates of fire. IE, a plane that fires twice as many bullets as another will be four times as effective, ALL OTHER THINGS BEING EQUAL!"
"The USAF made many studies and determined that the third power of the difference between any two muzzle velocities would show the difference in probability to hit. In W.W.II the Germans determined that the square of the differences in muzzle velocity was equal to the difference in hit probability. The Russians came to much the same conclusions…".
Unfortunately no simple/clear explanation is "attached" there. I guess this could be an interesting point to be discussed here.
Thus my question is: is there anybody that can help with some clue/insight/documentation/ about a more quantitative analysis relating HP, ROF and MV?
As usual, thanks in advance!