Major General
On early P-38's the turbos were known to come apart at high boost. They added a shield on each side to protect the pilot from turbo shrapnel and changed the V-1710 supercharger gear ratio to get more pressure out of the mechanical supercharger. What this change did to performance I do not know.
Quick rundown on the P-38 engines
P-38 model.......................supercharger gear...............turbo type.............power at 25,000ft
up to the F.........................6.44..............................................B-2...............................1150hp
the F.....................................7.48..............................................B-2...............................1325hp
the G....................................7.48..............................................B-13.............................1325hp
The H-1...............................8.10..............................................B-13.............................1425hp
the H-5................................8.10..............................................B-33.............................1425hp
J & L.....................................8.10..............................................B-33..............................1425hp
The power ratings are the original planned ratings for military power. Some models had trouble with insufficient intercooling and insufficient radiator airflow and could not sustain the military ratings without overheating (depends on climate?) Later models got better and were allowed WEP ratings.
But in any case the increase in engine supercharger gear ratio was used to increase the power. However this change in gear ratio also coincided with stronger engine parts. Much like the engines in the H and above used the same basic engine as the P-40K which was rated at 1325hp for take-off but used the 8.80 gears.