Originally Posted by zoomar View Post
Even Northrop, with the full backing of millions of dollars and lots of B-35 and B-49 prototypes to play with never produced a usable bomber.
FlyboyJActually that's arguable - Depending who you talk to the YB-49 could have been deployed. During flight testing there were conflicting reports on whether it was a stable bombing platform or not. Northrop later admitted he was being pressured by the former Sec. of War (His name escapes me) to merge with Convair. As a result Convair got the B-36 contract and Northrop got the F-89 program as a consolation prize. The man that tried to get Northrop to merge with Convair later became their president.
I just got done reading a back issue of Flight Journal from several years ago where one of the leading test pilots (his name escapes me right now) of the YB-49 was interviewed, and he basically makes the same points you posted. In his opinion, the YB-49 was a very stable platform, and was suitable for service IRCC. He also states in his words, the YB-49 was not able to be picked up on radar. It was due to the situation you alluded too with the politics of the merger of between Northrop and Convair that the YB-49 was not pressed forward.
A great story in itself.