2nd Lieutenant
Houdini's flight in his biplane over Hufaren Exercierplatz, Hamburg-Wandsbeck, November 26th 1909." One-half right front view of Harry Houdini's 1909 Voisin pusher biplane on the ground; Houdini is seen half-standing at the controls. A small crowd stands on the ground in front of the aircraft. NOTE: "Houdini No. 1" has been added to the image (paint retouching) to appear as if it was painted on the right outboard interplane panel; the name "Houdini" on the tail horizontal stabilizer is original to the aircraft. Houdini had purachsed this aircraft from JosT Luis Snchez Besa and Emilio Edwards Bello, whose names are still visible on the right outboard interplane panel.