Hi chaps, one thing that has always made me wonder is how did opposing sides know what the other side's vehicles and aircraft were called? It can't surely have been done all by spies and interrogations can it? I don't think there is a data plate inside a P-38 that says Lightning or inside a Lancaster saying that (Idon't even know if the Lanc had a factory designation - it must have). Also they would warn aircrews about a new version of say, the Fw-190 been seen, I mean, how on earth did they know it was a new version? In combat all you get is a fleeting veiw as (hopefully) the enemy flashes past, hardly enough time so see bulges the D model didn't have or different shape fins etcetera. It just seems to me each side knew exactly what the other was doing?? Same with tanks and other AFV's, a new one appears, "Oh yes, thats the 'whatever' MkV with the slightly different shaped exhaust - easy to spot! Put me right someone!