How would YOU fly?

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:lol: :lol: :lol:

Ya know CC, I got a hammock you can borrow if you and your date want to excercise...

Those damn things tire you out after those... ummm... Things...
lastnight when i came on her only 3 had been posted on that day...

but my girlfriend wasnt even involved

I wasnt assuming u had a girlfriend.... With living in the country and all, u could have been referring to one of Lancs sheep... Hopefully it wasnt one of his 200 lb big beasties... Those girls will break ur pubic bone if ur not careful....

so for you to assume that she was is a cheap way to exploit conversation

Yes i know, aint it great..... Exploitation at is grammatical core...
the thing is though i hate the country. Im actually a Londoner, from Peckham.

Maybe you didnt, but GrG most certainly did.

I think we need opinions from more people to try and eliminate bias.

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