How would YOU fly?

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If he turned is head slighty whilst turning it could aid cornering...which was always my downfall when running. Great on the straights but I had to back off on the turns...
I am...Year 7 and 8 winner of the 200m sprint (didnt do sports day last year), winner of the sprint race every year at primary school...Im a lot faster than you think.
Hehe in Year 8 I totally annilhated everyone in the discus... "17m 10... 16m 54... 18m 19... 17m 88... 22m 54..." :lol:

I threw last which is what made it so much better.
My choice would be the P-47N in the PTO - best chances of becoming an ace with the least chance of dying for just about any fighter plane, and I'd not be shooting at rookies.



With an attitude like that, I'd say its fair to say that you aren't a member of the WWII generation. (I want bestowed upon me the honor and accolades of acehood but don't want to have to work hard or endure danger to get it) :lol:

Seriously though, wasn't the P-47N just about the hottest ship to see combat?

With an attitude like that, I'd say its fair to say that you aren't a member of the WWII generation. (I want bestowed upon me the honor and accolades of acehood but don't want to have to work hard or endure danger to get it) :lol:

Seriously though, wasn't the P-47N just about the hottest ship to see combat?


With an attitude like that, I'd say its fair to say that you aren't a member of the WWII generation. (I want bestowed upon me the honor and accolades of acehood but don't want to have to work hard or endure danger to get it) :lol:

Seriously though, wasn't the P-47N just about the hottest ship to see combat?


With an attitude like that, I'd say its fair to say that you aren't a member of the WWII generation. (I want bestowed upon me the honor and accolades of acehood but don't want to have to work hard or endure danger to get it) :lol:

Seriously though, wasn't the P-47N just about the hottest ship to see combat?

LOL - all fighter pilots wanted to be aces. None wanted to be killed. The German aces sure didn't complain about shooting down much inferior opponents early in the war, especially in the East.

The P-47N was deployed against the hottest planes and pilots the Japanese still had remaining in 1945.

Yes, the P-47N was one of the highest performance fighters of WWII.


Not all pilots wanted to be aces - In a recent documentary about Spitfires and the Battle of Britain, one pilot commented on how he thought the idea of tallying kills was a silly idea, and that all they went up to do was the job of protecting their country - the last thing on their minds was how many theyd shot down.

So, which do you think would come out on top (P-51D or P-47N) in an air to air engagement at 15K altitude? 25K altitude? 35K altitude?
P-47N - as long as it was rev'd up and at speed, and not full of fuel, it was an increadible plane. Pedermo killed 4 Franks in one sortie in the N. Even when the Ki-84's were thousands of feet above him and attacking, he was able to zoom right up and shoot them down.

In WWII fighter combat, speed was the single most important performance characteristic.



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