How would YOU fly?

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Lanc said, "any particular reason??"

As a little kid, reading about the adventures of Francis Gabreski and the 56th FG is what trurned me on to WWII aviation.

The passion you have for the Lancaster is equaled only by my passion for the Thunderbolt. To me, it represented everything American about the war.
:mad: How dare you poke fun at the P-47 Thunderbolt! :mad:
We're not - Taking a whole lotta shit implies its tough, and giving out a whole lotta shit means it had good armament.

We were actually poking fun at Americans if anything ;)

However, feel free to poke fun at the British too! :lol:

NB: I have nothing against Americans.
Id fly a Typhoon or Mustang with 2nd TAF in Operation Overlord. I thinhk the guys who flew those low level strikes, especially thr Tiffy pilots, must have been fantastically brave and somewhat crazy to achieve the results they did :shock: 8)
F-86s during Korea, any unit!


OOPS WRONG ERA! :confused:


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Lanc said, "what it was big, fat and as aerodynamic as a "house brick"??

While I am an American and am big, fat and as aerodynamic as a house brick, I'm pretty sure that was a negative comment addressed to the P-47.
But we could turn out the P-47s as fast as the WASPs could get them to the sailers to take to the war.

P-38 Operation Torch! ;)
Well technically speeaking the human body isnt exactly aerodynamic in the first place...I wonder if our feet will ever evolve into having venturi tunnels on the soles for extra downforce? :lol:
well are feet are pretty aerodynamic, it's the torso that's the problem, fortunatly for felix in our science class he has no worries about the resistance from his head..............

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