Hurricane – 1423 Flight formed from 98 sqn – Reykjavik – Iceland

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Airman 1st Class
Sep 8, 2007
Buenos Aires, Argentina

I was thinking about including in our project one of the Hurricane which operated from Iceland during 07-12/1941. Not only for the unusual place from where they operated but also for the wavy dividing line between the upper and under colors camouflage. They also carried the individual aircraft code letter in black under the nose.

Please observe the following picture

Reference: Aircam Aviation Series - Hawker Hurricane Mk I/IV in Royal Air Force Foreign service N°24

I looked in the The Squadrons of the Royal Air Force Commonwealth 1918-1988 by Air Britain book and I found in the (page 171) the serial Z4045.
I checked this serial number on the Hawker Hurricane book by Manson (page 227) and said: N 1423 Flt a Kaldadarnes, Iceland 07/1941.
I found the same comments for the following aircrafts: Z4631, Z4702, Z4607,

So far that is all which I could find about the serial numbers. The real problem is that I cannot match the serial numbers with the code letters.
Does someone have the serial number and the code letter of at least one of these Hurricane?.

The reference of the pictures mentions that the Hurricane were Mk IIa but the Hawker Hurricane book by Manson said that they were Mk I. By seeing the pictures the spinner / propeller appears to be the Rotol 11" 3" (Jablo) type so I think that they converted to a Mk IIa version. Is it correct?

As per what I understand they were finished in Dark Earth – Dark Green and Sky. Fuselage band in Sky and Spinner probably in Sky but by seeing the pictures could be also in Sky Blue depending on the aircraft. The serial numbers appears to be 8 inch high in black.

I hope someone could bring some light to this issue.

Many thanks in advance

Kind regards

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