The best numbers still come from Francis Mason.
He gives total Hurricane production as 14,231 but also gives a caveat, that the number be regarded with some scepticism
"At least 150 'new' aircraft were delivered by Hawker (and a similar number by Gloster) employing major spare parts, as well as cannabalised components from damaged aircraft; retrospective adjustments were of course made to contract terms. Moreover, almost 3,000 Hurricanes, which were struck off Royal Air Force charge (as being beyond Service capabilities to repair) were made good to the extensive Repair Organisation and taken back on charge as 'new' by the Service, in some instances with new serial numbers. This also, of course, complicates the generally accepted aircraft casualty figures issued for such periods as the Battle of Britain, when more than 400 Hurricanes admitted as having been shot down, lost and struck off charge, were subsequently salvaged, repaired and returned to the Service. In all, the civilian repair agencies returned about 4,500 damaged aircraft to the RAF, though many of them had not been struck off charge. A further 1,400 repaired aircraft were returned to the Service overseas and to the Fleet Air Arm. It is therefore impossible (and misleading) to quote an exact number of wholly new Hurricanes built - the true figure for the RAF is probably about 14,100 compared with about 14,380 'new' aircraft being taken on charge by the Service, and these figures do not include unquestionably new aircraft sold overseas before the war, some of which were taken from the Air Ministry's original order and then replaced for the RAF, reverting to their original serial numbers."
My bold.
Mason also lists other sources of confusion, for example the practice of applying completely spurious serial numbers to presentation aircraft for their 'photo shoot'.
The only honest answer to total Hurricane production numbers is that we don't know.