Identification of B-17 by nose number

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Nov 5, 2021
Hello, everyone. I am trying to identify a B-17's information by a single picture by the numbers on the nose. This aircraft was flown by a great uncle "Raymond Goins". I've searched around, but it looks like most numbers are 4 values, not just a "95" or an "01".

Any help or pointers would be appreciated! Thank you!

Do you have any details of your great uncle's service career (e.g. units/bases assigned to and dates)?

To my uneducated eye, the subject B-17 looks to be in a Stateside training unit. I can confirm it's a B-17G. There's a silver B-29 behind it and a B-25 at the left of the image. Again, these types didn't often fly from the same airfields when deployed on operations which suggests, to me, that it's a Stateside location.
I'd suspect you are correct, which is why I was having issues finding it. I'm digging through a lot of old photos and notes my father left me trying to find more details. I was pretty sure I saw a note at some point that gave a "wing" designation, so I am looking for that. now. I have another photo of him in a "bomber jacket" and headgear w/ goggles - but I cannot make out anything on the jacket. I don't think that particular picture has anything identifiable on the B-17 that is behind him, but I'm still looking. Thanks for the help!
Looks like another B-29 beyond the B-25, too.
I wish the serial number in the B-25 was visible, that might have helped in tracking down this location.

An observation, though - that number "95" was written really crude, perhaps quickly, so this may be at a depot where repairs and such were performed.

I'd recommend trying to obtain a copy of his military service record that would provide much useful context for the various photos. Unfortunately, I can't help with advice on where to go to obtain it...perhaps the National Archives is a good place to start (although I seldom have any luck with their search engine).

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