Identification of Yak-9 in the Battle of Berlin

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Aug 22, 2021
Hi everybody,
I am recently making some researches about two Yak-9s that have been shot down on 24th April 1945 during the Battle of Berlin, possibly near Erkner.
I would like to identify at least the air division they operated with (or even better the exact unit), but so far I only managed to home in on the VVS 16th Air Army.
Please, could someone tell me where I could find more information such as orders of battle, or which unit operated where, and when, during spring 1945 close to Berlin?
So far, I only found some general information on this website (should you be interested, to me it seems a very comprehensive and interesting website: here it is the link Структура ВВС) and some USAAF translations (that date back to 1977) of VVS reports, but nothing that focuses on the operative activities of units below the level of Air Armies, at least during April 1945.
Any suggestion would be more than appreciated. Thank you so much in advance!

16.VA had very few losses on 24 April 1945.

3.IAK lost one Yak-9 to fighters, bailing out in Soviet-held territory, and a Yak-3 pilot failed to return after being downed in combat. He returned to his unit three days later.

6.IAK lost a P-39 in a take-off accident on a non-combat flight.

13.IAK lost a Yak-9, when the pilot failed to return from a mission.

And those are the only 16.VA losses from 24 April 1945.

Andrew A.

16.VA had very few losses on 24 April 1945.

3.IAK lost one Yak-9 to fighters, bailing out in Soviet-held territory, and a Yak-3 pilot failed to return after being downed in combat. He returned to his unit three days later.

6.IAK lost a P-39 in a take-off accident on a non-combat flight.

13.IAK lost a Yak-9, when the pilot failed to return from a mission.

And those are the only 16.VA losses from 24 April 1945.

Andrew A.
Dear Andrew,
Thank you so much, you have been incredibly precise! May I ask you where you have found this information?

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