Indiana tank, aircraft and what not museum

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Aug 21, 2006
So back in May I went to a small museum or what I thought would be a small museum in Indiana. Link to museum below. Turns out we spent probably half a day or more there and could have spent more time but the day we had was super hot outside. Pushed 90 plus degrees and no wind or drink. So we left and hope to go back another time for more. I am no expert on tanks an such so feel free to comment on them.

Also the back ground that looks like a church in some of the pictures is the movie prop if I remember right where the parachute solder landed on the clock tower. Because they lent some of there vehicles for the movie they gave the movie prop to the museum. The back side has a medieval church them as they try to use props for multiple things.
Agree with you both and glad I made the trip. Really did not know what to expect before I got there. I never new it even existed till I was just doing some random searches for military museums in Indiana.

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