"Inpact" 1/48th scale Gloster Gladiator Review.

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Nice review Terry and looks like I posted one observation just before you did, and we both agree. Note that the rigging points on the Roden kit are indeed present. They take the form of tiny pinholes where one can drill a hole.
It happens quite often the older kits look better than the newer. Also often, they go with drawings much better. Of course a couple of deatils can be more clumpy but just there are modelers to correct that.
Snautzer, my explanation of how my PC was set up was not very clear, I appreciate. I'm sure I've used the wrong terminology, as I'm certainly not a computer guru !
However, the person who has supplied this PC and Win 10, and all my previous PCs and related stuff over the past 15 years or so, is not an amateur - he has been in 'the business' for around 40 years, and for the past 20 years or so, has run his own company, designing and marketing software, as well as supplying hardware and security and back-up services to commercial and industrial clients.
He explained what he had done as he was sitting in front of my PC with me, and, at the time, it all made sense when explained in simple terms. But, as there was so much for me to absorb, especially as he investigated and found the source of my 'problem' with me watching, I'm afraid my 'translation' of this has suffered !
Needless to say that everything has been checked, and everything is current, and operating how it should be.
Given that the supply of equipment, Win 10 etc was done at 'mate's rates', and the transfer of all my programmes, data, files, folders etc was included in the very reasonable final price, as is the support, and also security back-up, all undertaken in his spare time, during and out of working hours, I can fully understand if he took the shortest path.
As I understood it when explained, if he was to do a 'clean' installation, transferring my stuff would not be a problem, but he didn't want to lose any of the programmes I had installed, and It is this that, for whatever reason, has resulted in the use of part of the available "processing power".
Now that he knows which programmes I wish to retain and which can be deleted, he can now easily record these, do a 'clean' WIN 10 up-date installation, and then re-install those programmes I want to retain which, apparently, will 'free up' some space and allow the full potential of the PC processor.
Again, not the best description / explanation (computer stuff, to me, is like a woman's brain !), but it all made sense to me at the time!
Thanks, Andy and Wojtek.
I've just had a closer look at my 'Roden' kit, and the rigging points ae very feint on my example, with some not present at all.
I didn't mention it in the review, but it was the inclusion of the 'Invisible' thread in the Ipact' kit, all those years ago, that lead to me using it for rigging, antenna wires etc, ever since.
And the fact that all this took place 52 years ago, is making me feel b;**dy old !
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I built this kit when I was 13, in the heady early days of the Monogram "1/4 inch scale" enthusiasm of the '60s. The whole series was great then and it still is. The Fury was awesome. As I recall I used aluminum foil affixed with rubber cement to simulate some of the polished panels on my models. And someplace I found copper foil for the front cowl. Looked great!

There were of course few references for things like cockpit interior and alternate markings back then. I think I had the Aircraft in Profile and the small William Green Fighters book and that was about it.

Wasn't there a Scale Aircraft Modelling special guide to building Battle of Britain aircraft in 80s or early 90s? I recall that had excellent plans, rigging outline and interior photos. Must be many more today... Thanks for the memories!

8/6 (eight shillings and sixpence) was 42 pence in the new decimal currency. 42 and a half pence, to be precise.
Oops !
You're quite right - had a brain fart, and calculated using the old Two Shilling (Ten Pence in decimal currency)., instead of the One Shilling.
So, at todays prices, it would be a touch under £8.
Dave, yes there was a magazine series on modelling the Bob aircraft, later published as a soft-back book, which i have in my library still.
M.I. Flyer - yes, as mentioned in the review, Lindbergh acquired the moulds, and released the kit in Mk1 and Mk,II versions, with Pyro and Lifelike also reboxing the Mk.1

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