Is New Zealand choosing a new....

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There is no confusion between the NZ and Aussie flag. Good grief, the Aussie flag has a huge white 8 point star under the union jack and a white 5 star southern cross to the right.
The NZ flag has only the union jack and a red/white 4 star southern cross layout. Anyone that is confused will also probably be confused with the flag from the State of Hawaii, as it also has the union jack. Maybe we will be confused with the UK flag also, it has a union jack also.
The reason the flag has the union jack, is because the Queen is still our sovereign head, no matter what our PM says.
If you ever listen to him, it is always "what I think", "what I want", he and the people of NZ have forgotten is he is supposed to represent the people of the country, not what he thinks the people want.

Well, that first statement is pure BS. I've been at an international event where the organisers had arranged the flags for the opening ceremony. Lets just say it was just as well I took an NZ flag with me...

And the union jack has nothing to do with the fact that the Queen is still the head of state. Ask any Canadian.
All British colonies had an ensign at one time or another, even the U.S. had a British colonial ensign prior to the revolution.

Some commonwealth nations like Canada, Jamaica, Barbados, etc. chose to be represented by their own flag. Hawaii used to be a British possession, so it, like many current commonwealth nations, have simply left the flag remain unchanged.

I can see that the Australian flag and the New Zealand flag can cause some confusion at first glance, as all colonial ensigns are nearly identical in size and color (same for the red ensigns) with a few variations in the way of symbols or coat of arms added to the ensign.

Sorry, but the confusion is absolute rubbish. No BS at all. God knows what international event you attended that they didn't know the flag nor could tell the difference, must have been some rather ignorant people. In regard to the Union Jack being in the canton of the flag, it has everything to do with NZ connection to the realm, currently the Queen. The Canadian people wish to have their flag with a maple leaf, that is their choice and it is a beautiful flag. This flag change for NZ is totally an ego boosting adventure by our opinionated PM and his blinded followers. Thousands of men and women in our country have served under the current flag(including myself),Leave it alone.

Just A little but embarrassing side note. The supporters of the flag change this week had a local quiz, to see how many flags of countries people could identify. The above flags were included. These people are so ignorant, they do not know that Hawaii is a state of the USA and included the state flag as a current country flag. So embarrassing for New Zealanders.
It's happened at the UN, it's happened at the Olympics and it's happened at a Pacific Nations summit among other occasions...
I am not surprised that New Zealanders aren't familiar with U.S. state flags, I know the capitols of a good number of nations, along with their flags, but sadly, I am not familiar with those nation's individual state (or parish, district, region, etc.) flags. Besides, I seriously doubt you would be able to tell the difference between the Florida state flag and the Alabama state flag.

And technically, Hawaii is a former constitutional republic, like Texas, California and Vermont. So before statehood, it was a soverign nation...
should not assume my friend, I have lived in the USA for the last 35 years, know the state flags well. education is a wonderful thing.My point was that that flag change supporters don't know the difference. Personally have not seen any confusion at the UN or any other conference of any standing.
well, Id say its only a mtter of time before we get started on this pointless exercise as well. That and havin a republic where we have a president that does the same job as the GG.....change with no change
There is no confusion between the NZ and Aussie flag.

You are in a minority there as well. That is a very narrow view from someone familiar with both flags, most of the rest of the world is not. The second of the eight reasons for change given on your own NZ flag web site is that flags should be instantly recognisable. To quote further:

"Test after test shows that the current New Zealand flag is immediately confused with flags of other countries, especially Australia."

A quick poll of the Brits, Germans and Americans with whom I am currently working supports this. Most (not all) of the Brits knew which was which, none of the others did. I did ask a few locals here in Austin Texas about the two flags but they had no idea what I was talking about!

The detail of the various stars is just that. Both flags are essentially a union flag, upper left, on a blue field. Confusion is entirely understandable from non-antipodeans.


You are in a minority there as well. Steve

Not in the minority at all, asking the locals that this crazy change is being forced upon, 80% or more are totally against it. As for referring to the "flag committee', these people are so well educated they couldn't tell the difference between the Hawaii State flag and a country flag. see post above.
I have no idea where who you work for, don't really care, if the international group are confused over flags with the Union Jack in the canton, they will also be confused with all the flags of Europe that have a cross on them. Overall fact of the matter is, the only person pushing hard for a change, is the PM, and his population has told him rather pointedly, that we don't want a change, no matter how much 'he' wants it changed.
Now you are being ridiculous. I said that they were unable to distinguish between the flags of Australia and New Zealand, what other flags with a union flag as one element or crosses on them have to do with that I don't know.
The point is that the two flags (Aussie and Kiwi) are often mistaken for each other. Whether that is a problem or not is not something I have an opinion about. Obviously some in New Zealand, including those at, want a change. Last time I checked New Zealand was a democracy and the folks at that site are entitled to express their view. If you don't agree with it then vote against it, rather than resorting to insulting their level of education. If enough of your fellow citizens agree with you then you can keep the old flag.

At the moment the population of New Zealand hasn't voted in either referendum, so I'd be interested to know how it has told the PM "rather pointedly" that it doesn't want a change. If you are right then you've nothing to worry about!

BTW I work for myself


Steve, being that I live in the country, it is news every day that the population doesn't want the flag. You missed my point on the confusion issue and frankly its not worth arguing about. The only people that according to world media and our PM is Australia and NZ, however the populations of both countries do not know where they are getting this information. The people of NZ have had many protests and public forums of disagreement on the change. A quick search on Google will validate that, irrespective if the people have voted or not.
Glad we are sorting things out in our country, we are entitled to call people ignorant when they obviously are, it is not reverting to insults
happy you work
Well all being well you'll retain the old flag and vote your PM out at the earliest opportunity

We have had our fair share of referenda recently. They should have let the English vote on the Scottish issue to make sure that they went


Agreed, however the Scottish referendum(from what I have seen and read) at least was a well planned and democratic one, no matter the outcome.
The flag referendum we are facing is totally backwards, we are being forced to have a referendum to choose a new flag from the Flag committee recommendations. The PM his stated publicly that even if there is only one vote, the second referendum will go ahead, which is a vote to weather we should change the flag or not. This referendum BTW is costing over $26million, while the Govt closes schools etc due to funding cuts.
unfortunately, don't see the PM being voted out when last election at exit polls, many voted him in office because he has a nice smile.

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