Admiral Beez
I imagine it is unusual for the Italian aircraft carrier Giuseppe Garibaldi to operate in the North Sea. The USMC troops probably appreciate the food.
When I see how well the Italians work alongside the British, French, etc. I think to myself, if only they'd been able to remain on the Allied side after the First World War.

NATO troops conducted a routine war exercise in the Arctic. This year felt different
Troops from 27 countries wrapped up one of the largest NATO war games since the 1980s — in the Arctic. Russia's war in Ukraine made the exercise feel like more than a game.

NATO troops conducted a routine war exercise in the Arctic. This year felt different
Troops from 27 countries wrapped up one of the largest NATO war games since the 1980s — in the Arctic. Russia's war in Ukraine made the exercise feel like more than a game.
When I see how well the Italians work alongside the British, French, etc. I think to myself, if only they'd been able to remain on the Allied side after the First World War.