Japanese Canopy

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what do you think? the red painted graphic is still on there as is the main fuselage color. Thats only a guess. Was this a Betty?
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Japanese canopy lost during flight


Painted or unpainted, that is the question ...
Japanese most certainly did paint canopies until very late in the war when speed of assembly & onto the flight line was imperative. But then Japanese camouflage paint was rather poor quality & quickly wore off in service. Their interior anti-corrosion paint, usually appearing metallic blue in colour (transparent) was quite good.
The conditions in the South Pacific was hard on any aircraft, Japanese or Allied.

Aluminum does not like exposure to the elements and is very difficult to get paint to stick to it without a complex primering process.

Add to that, propwash sandblasting leading edges and fuselage with coral sand, will make any paint finish degrade in a matter of weeks.

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