Japanese WW2 cloth translation help

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Oct 17, 2023
I have recently purchased a WW2 piece of material that I believe is Japanese but wondered if there is anyone on here that could help me translate it ?


  • IMG_0687.jpeg
    113.5 KB · Views: 16
Looks like a printed poem for soldiers circa 1937.
It says -


"The imperial army of 1,000,000 went to Manchuria to defeat the powerful enemy of Russia. As expected, the enemy was well prepared and the corpses of our soldiers in the battles had piled up to form hills.
Fortunately, I could return home victorious but, having left so many casualties behind, how could I meet their parents who would have waited for their sons coming home alive? How many out of the million can return to their hometowns singing in triumph now?
By Maresuke"

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