Ju-87 G-2 ... A different pic request

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Jan 10, 2007
I'd like to find some different marking options besides Rudels Stuka. THere are two on the profiles section (THANKS!) and I was wondering if anyone has any links to, or fotos of, some others.
Thanks Again
Thanks! There are a couple of different "Alpha" ones there. Unlike most other Lutwaffe units, the StkGeschwaders often only marked the plane with the individual Alpha designator.
All the others are different renderings of Rudels craft.

Thanks again.
Hi !!!
I've found these two profiles in "TBU"publication no.148 about Ju-87D-H.
The source of the third is unknown.
The first is JU-87G2 from SG2 used on the eastern front in 1943, the second is Ju-87G2 from 10/Pz/SG3 used also on the "Ost front" in autumn of 1943.The third one seems to belong to SG3 but I'm not surre about it.
I hope I was helpful.


  • JU87G2_StabSG2_1943.jpg
    51.7 KB · Views: 459
  • JU87G2_10PZ_SG3_1943.jpg
    52.8 KB · Views: 573
  • JU87G2_tank_buster.jpg
    16.1 KB · Views: 574
Notice the second one with the diagonal white stripe and little white patch on the tail fin? The planes that accompanied Rudel on his last flight when he surrendered to the Allies had simiar stripes.
Very nice and thank you very much!
the soviet tank in white was not on the nose during 1945. that indicated Panzerstaffel Weiß during 1943 only, so all the profiles are incorrect as StG 3 did not use them. Each of the StG's at some point but not all had a 10th Panzerstaffel of Ju 87G-1's and some G-2's later
See there how this sharing of information works? So, by the later war period the little tank emblem wasn't seen, even on the "weisenstaffel" within a group? Much as I like it, I suppose I better leave it off then.

Tanks for the info.
Hm...:( So it means that the descriptions of the profiles in that book are incorrect.The a/cs should have been depicted as Ju-87G1 but not Ju-87G2.But looking at the wingtips I was convinced they were G2 version.
Hi !!!
I've found these two profiles in "TBU"publication no.148 about Ju-87D-H.
The source of the third is unknown.
The first is JU-87G2 from SG2 used on the eastern front in 1943, the second is Ju-87G2 from 10/Pz/SG3 used also on the "Ost front" in autumn of 1943.The third one seems to belong to SG3 but I'm not surre about it.
I hope I was helpful.

Where you get from this pictures?, are beautiful...for me this plane is the of the WWII.

Bullo Loris
ok let me try to explain this about the white T-34 motiff. a special Panzerstaffel of G-1's with the 3.7cm was established to counter the Soviet armor as a threat. It was experimental from the point to see just what type of attrition could be had along with testing the 3.7 ammo on armor.
Obviously it was a success and G-1's were given to much of the StG's as the 10th staffel or 10th Panzerstaffel if you will.......... the white T-34 was not painted on these 10th staffel machines only on the units in Panzerstaffel Weiss.

One must be very careful with ALL profiles
THX Erich for the explanation.I've caught it.But could you give more infos on this,please.In David Donald's book "Warplanes of The Luftwaffe", I've found info that Ju-87G1 served only with III/SG2, 10(Pz)/SG1, 10(Pz)/SG2 , 10(Pz)/SG77 and also with 10(Pz)/SG3.There is a colour profile of Ju-87G1 werk nr.494231 that looks like the one on the third profile I sent above.The description is that it was a plane (S7+EN) from 10(Pz).Staffel,II/Schlachtgeschwader 3 at Jakobstadt,Latvia 1944.There is a T-34 motiff on the engine cowling.Is it correct?.You have written that StG 3 did not use them
Which one do you mean Bullo? The TBU no.148 or the David Donald's one "Warplanes of The Luftwaffe"?
the original Panzerstaffel when built up went to StG 2 and Rudels unit. the White T-34 stayed on for a short term but was nothing special, because of the Wochenschau footage portrayed and easily available for the last dozezn years everyone seems to take as fact that ALL Kanonvögels had the white emblem .......... nope !

The G-1 was in all the Panzerstaffeln in 1, 2, 3, SG 9, 77. When during such heavy attrition times the G-2 was introduced and replaced destroyed a/c. Also during several weeks-to month Fw 190F's and G's with Panzerblitz were also added to the line up, but again for a very short period(s) to the 10.(Pz.)StG's. Unless we have positive proff from celar photographic records I am in doubt during very late 44 through wars end.
Here is an interesting side note the G-2 came into StG 77 by April of 44 the G-1 had been phased out
well maybe we can find the all illusive later war G-2 on photos and post in time ? really the only unit covered in photos has been StG. 2's. Reember that the units photographers in all aspects of the Luftwaffe was not to take photos during mid to wars end due to the secrecy surrounding their units. nothing wanting to indicate where they were located due to the ease of which photos could get in the wrong hands . . . .......

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