K-14 gyro gunsight

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Jan 21, 2022
This is a very long stretch but lets see where it takes us. I was reading up on the K-14 gunsight that was used in the P-51 Mustang and I had a few thoughts about it. Number one was what if we put the same type of sights on a turret on any type of bomber. Would they still work as intended or would they not function correctly. If anyone has insight into this I would be glad to know.
They worked just fine. The first real version of this particular sight was a turret sight; the British Gyro Gun Sight Mk.IIc

This was developed into the Gyro Gun Sight Mk.IId, which was for fixed gunnery in fighters.

The US copied the Mk.IIc and called it the Mark 18 (USN) and the the Mk.IId as the K-14 (USAAF).
Thanks for the information, I couldn't figure out if it would have worked properly as I had a hard time finding information about it. Thanks for your help!

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