Ki-84 Hayate camouflage schemes

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Airman 1st Class
Feb 10, 2022
Hey guys, I'm going through more of my ancient models with a view to tidying them up. I came across one which I must of been given as I'm not familiar with the camo scheme. A sort of blue/grey patches over green. Is this a work of fiction? Has anyone seen this camo scheme? cheers


  • Ki 84.jpg
    27.3 KB · Views: 46
Isn't the blue-grey tone the result of the incorrect balance level of the blue colour of the pic?

Anyway .. a similar camo can be found on the early Ki-84 ( according to the pic caption ). The camo consisted of two green paints - the dark green and lighter green-brownish one. The profile for the kite can be found in the Kagero monography for the plane.

the source: the net and Kagero book.

The same can be found in the Sword 72032 kit

However the Hasegawa 08154 suggests the one green tone overall tops.


Hey Wurger, thanks for that.
The colour showing in my pic is pretty much how it looks in the hand. It is a bluish tone. So the pattern on that Ki 84 pic of yours is very similar to mine, but yes a khaki colour over green instead of blue/grey over green. I could scrub the decals & repaint the blue to khaki......or re-do the whole thing to a brand new scheme... I'm a fan of the extra weathered schemes on Japanese aircraft. But I think I've only got 2 spare wing meatball decals left. Hmm..... decisions....
But it seems that the main camo scheme for the Ki-84 was the green one on tops. However many planes had the camo made as the irregular green larger and smaller patches or squigles applied on the bare metal plane.

the source: the net.

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