I hate to necro a thread (especially on only my seventh post yet) but it's only been a couple months and I think you guys might be interested in this:

The caption says, roughly, "Kinematic schematic of aircraft engine M-108. From technical operation and maintenance manual, 1946." I tripped over it in a Google image search (for "Климов ВК-107"), from a comment on a
blog post about tank engines or something. I don't know, my Russian isn't very good and I haven't the patience to go a-translating it right now - my mind is quite firmly affixed on airplane engines.
The file name is
"VK-108_kinem_shema.jpg". So if that's indeed accurate, I think you've hit the nail on the head with your valve hypothesis, Mr. Pearce. Follow the rotation of the parts to the valve cam lobes and you can see the air-only valve (on the third cylinder from the rear in the starboard bank, as referenced to your illustration in post #28 ) opens a bit before the fuel-air valve.
Now I've got a question. I'm trying to figure out how the cooling air jackets for the inner exhaust manifolds work.
The perspective is a bit tricky, but
this engine does not appear to have openings at the front end of the cooling jackets for air to enter into. Furthermore, taking a look at some original aircraft on display, the one clear photo of a 14-exhaust-pipe (VK-107 powered) Yak-9 I can find has no air intake above the front end of the engine, but does have
a dorsal intake scoop above the rear end.
12-exhaust-pipe Yak-3s and 8-exhaust-pipe Yak-9s (M-105 powered, so I presume) typically do not have this scoop:
Exhibit A
Exhibit B
Exhibit C
My hypothesis is that air enters this dorsal intake, flows downwards, reverses 180° and flows forward toward the propeller, passing over the exhaust manifolds on the way, and is dumped overboard out the sides of the cowling, around the forward-most exhaust pipes.
(Modern Allison-powered replicas also have this dorsal air scoop, but based on the intake geometry of the Allison engine as used on the P-40 and P-51A, this is most probably the supercharger intake.)
This engine on the other hand, unlike the first, appears to have ram-air intakes for the cooling jackets at the front (as well as the mystery centerline pipe) which I have circled in orange. The only original aircraft that seems to match this arrangement, with dorsal air intake at the very front and overboard-vent at the rear, is
this particular Yak-9U, which very obviously has an M-105 engine installed (given the exhaust stacks.) Maybe it was originally built around the VK-107 but was swapped to an M-105 while in service, and retained the original cowling? What do you guys think? Have I overthought this or missed some glaring detail? I don't know, I'm traditionally a P-51 gal and kinda new to WWII Soviet aircraft.