Staff Sergeant
Thomas, I agree that it is possible that the Boxes stopped receiving data, so they had nothing to record, that is probably what happened now that I think more about it.IIRC The black boxes have their own independent power supply (ie onboard batteries whose sole purpose are to power the recording devices and the location transponders), but if the devices that send the information to the black boxes stopped sending at 4 minutes before the crash then saying that the black boxes stopped recording might be an imprecise way of saying what happened - ie the sending devices stopped sending so there was no incoming data for the black boxes to record. Maybe?
But in my experience (and granted the last time I worked on a Boeing Product was in 2006, so almost 20 years ago now) the batteries on the black boxes did not power the boxes themselves, they only powered the underwater locating beacons. But as already stated we will have to wait for the authorities to eventually find out what happened, and then inform us.