Lancaster relic identification

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Apr 14, 2011

A friend gave me this piece of an lancaster, the info on the piece is that it came from a lancaster that crashed in august -44 after
a bomb raid on stetin, probably the id of aircraft is Oor Wullie, LL757. The date and place of find makes it at least 99% ocf being this aircraft.

Can anyone tell me where on the aircraft this piece comes from?

Would be very thankfull for any help!

Thanks FlyboyJ, i would think so to, is there anyway to know more exact?
Hard to say - I've seen drawings that show that type of wing rib construction on the inboard and outboard portion of the wing. maybe some of our friends in the UK could add to this.
I shared this post with Rusty Waughman last week - he piloted this aircraft from new until his last sortie in it on 5 June 1944. He was very interested to see the relics.

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