Landing and basing fees at Brooklands and Croyden aerodromes, late 1930s (2 Viewers)

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For reasons too convoluted to recount, I'm trying to find out what the landing and basing fee structures were at Brooklands and Croyden in the late 1930s.

Yes, I know I can send a request (and money) to Brooklands' archives, but they take forever. (My last query was finally answered after three months.) Since no piece of trivia seems too esoteric for this forum, I thought I'd try here first.

I'm also trying the National Aerospace Library again. Last time I asked, they didn't have anything.

Thanks in advance.
A cafe would be a bit "continental" for the era, I am sure it had a tea room, for high tea at 4PM with scones, Devonshire clotted cream and blueberry jam.
With the traffic in and out of Brooklands airfield, I'd expect something more like a tea or snack bar, open diner hours. Perhaps pub food without the pub, so it wouldn't have to be licensed. It seems to me that a place that served only high tea wouldn't be open long enough to make the rent. Unfortunately, while there are a zillion pictures of the clubhouse online, not one of them shows the interior.

The Brooklands Automobile Racing Clubhouse had a restaurant in its building, but that building is at the opposite end of the airfield from the flying clubhouse.


There was a Blue Bird Restaurant over in the hangar area (actually built on to one end of a hangar) of the airfield from 1913 to the mid-1920s at least (maybe later), but it was not in the Brooklands Aerodrome office/control tower/flying clubhouse that LCharnes posted a picture of above.

from Flight magazine 1913

The little building on the right is the Passenger Flight booking office.
Nothing looks more like a cricket pavilion than that club house. I would suggest that it was heavily modelled on a cricket club and many members played cricket, drove fast cars and had a private pilots license.
That's the Racing Club's clubhouse, up at the north end of the Brooklands compound. The one I'm concerned with is the Aero Clubhouse down on the southwest end (next to TK Maxx if you're on Google Maps -- look for "The Signature Store.") I wouldn't be surprised if at least some of what you mention was there once upon a time, though it's a smaller building than the racing clubhouse. The problem is that its insides are a blank slate as far as I've been able to find.

This is the total presence of the Aero Clubhouse on the Brooklands website. I may have to throw myself on the mercy of the Brooklands archives eventually, but I was hoping I could get answers here in less than several months.

A reminder: this thread started asking about landing fees for Brooklands and Croyden in the late 1930s. Anyone?

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