Latest on the Cocoa Beach TBM Mishap

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Ah, if Dan told me that my anus was on fire, I would need 2 independent sources of verification, including live thermal and visual video streams before I would react. Way unimpressed by his analysis and actions on a number of accidents prior to this set of videos.
I'd never heard of him before, but there are some very important points he did bring out:

1. They did a lavish rebuild of the TBM but did not overhaul the engine.
2. The VAC did not take their participation in the airshow seriously and did not attend the briefing.
3. Early there was an obvious serious oil leak in the TBM and they chose to ignore it.

Also, I live in the local area and was aware of when they wrecked their C-47, landing in a T-storm rather than diverting, and some friends of mine helped to repair it. But I was not aware that they had wrecked it again.

And I was told that the original plan was to tow the TBM to Port Canaveral and lift it out of the water by a crane, but the Port people refused to allow that in order to prevent pollution and so the airplane was dragged out of the ocean onto the beach and further damaged.

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