Lets make a final vote on the F-35

Which is the best name?

  • F-35 Strikehawk

    Votes: 6 40.0%
  • F-35 Superstar

    Votes: 2 13.3%
  • F-35 Lightning II

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • I dont care anymore, its caused me anxiety

    Votes: 4 26.7%

  • Total voters

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Lanc I agree with you completly dont take me wrong. I was your age once too remember. What you just described we all go through.
I cannot believe a student and someone at school just tried to complain over people who work and earn a living. lanc, you're at school for 6 and half hours a day. You get half terms and summer holidays and everything off. Try working 12 hours a day, five days a week, with a single month off all year. Then you can complain. Working everyday is much harder than going to school.

And now, I'm going to cut down my hours so I can go to college in the day and work in the evening. But I still won't complain, 'cos even then I've got it easy. I don't have support a family, or run a household, or pay the bills. Plus on MM note of "getting laid" - I don't need to try for that, my girlfriend gladly offers it to me.
ppftt, i can't believe you just had a go at me when someone that works even harder than you agreed with me and i spend a lot of time on the farm too you know.........
Whether Chris agreed with you or not, you're still whining when you've got the good life. You just tried to compare 6 and a half hours a day at school with either Chris working in Iraq, or on base, or me working 12 hours a day for five days a week. You'll start complaining when you've only got a month off a year instead of the four you get off now. When you work and earn your money, then you have the right to complain. Damn school girls, you all make me sick.

And while Chris does, generally, work a lot harder than me. He enjoys his job, it makes all the difference in the world.
When I was a young lad in school and thought the worries were a lot, I remember my step-father telling me that I didn't realize how good I had it. He was right.

You want to know what worry is? Try being out of work for six weeks, having enough money for one more mortgage payment and a couple of weeks of food. Try living with yourself knowing that in a few more weeks, yourself and your children could be homeless, penniless and hungry, without health insurance and basically in a real f*cked state. I would gladly trade that for worrying whether or not I pass an exam or get into Mary Jane's panties.
jesus christ didn't i make it perfectly obvious i know our worries aint as big as yours? bloody hell, go back, read my post carefully to try and get what i'm saying, adler obviously managed it...........
well then you will also know i wasn't saying we're under more stress that you, making me rather curious as to why everyone's acting like i've made out we get it worse than you?
Nonskimmer said:
My thoughts exactly, pb. I think his beret's on too tight.

Hey Huss, ever spend any time in Club Ed?

Well the purpose of what i was saying to -38 was is that it maybe a good idea to join part time at first because he clearly intends to join right out of highschool, and i did the same thing, it wasnt what I expected, and that drill seargent was a real ignorant c*nt! well if i had a some rope and a stool I dont doubt I would have used it, at the time
Personally I kinda' like the original "Joint Strike Fighter" title, but otherwise I'll have to go with the LightningII.(Though ofcourse this is already the official name...)

If wou want to keep the "strike" in the title, how about: Thunderstrike or lightning-strike.

PS Looma, nice He 280
Call it StarScream. Instant Transformers Kudos.

Stress...yeah...tell me about it.
I don't have half the Stresses you guys have and I am happy for that.

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