looking for 9/JG2 BF109 F-2 YELLOW 10

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Sep 24, 2008
Taipei ,Taiwan
Hi Folks
Just saw a beautiful model from here.

I am curious , did the yellow 10 have any wartime photos exist?
Here ya go!:D

from Jagdwaffe series Vol 4 Section 1


  • Yellow 10_0017.jpg
    Yellow 10_0017.jpg
    81.6 KB · Views: 375
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here ya go.....in this image it is more likely than not that the cowl is yellow, in my opinion of course!

Source : Luftwaffe in Focus Special No.3


  • Yellow 10_JG 2_0619.jpg
    Yellow 10_JG 2_0619.jpg
    50.1 KB · Views: 187
Good one Wayne. Note also the odd placement of what looks like the octane stancil under the dangling seatbelt.
Hi Wayne
One picture in Jagdwaffe series Vol 4 Section 1, I can found some dark colour on the top of engine cowling.
In another picture, it is invisible, maybe due to the light.
It is hardly to say what colour it was.

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