Looking for P-38F erection manual

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Senior Airman
Mar 19, 2007
over the hill and far away
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You hardly need an erection and maintenance manual for that.

The museum where I volunteer has several, but they are paper manuals not available to the public. We have them because we fly a P-38J and help maintain a flying P-38F.

What information are you looking for?
I'll get pics of our P-38J around the tubos on Saturday and get back to you in here.

Though we don;t use the turbos, they are bone stock externally with the exception that the turbo fresh air intake is plugged. We get carburetor air through the center opening in the cowling today. The two outer openings are oil cooler air ducts.

I won't be able to get P-38F shots until Galcier Girl visits Chino at the end of April for our annual airshow.

I'm looking for schematics for the P-38 Main and Aux fuel gauges (DJ-12's). Specifically pin outs for the connectors and drive circuits for the sending (transmitters) units. Can you help me?
Thanks in advance....

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