Looking for photo of Maj Gerald Johnson's P-40N natural metal aircraft

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Airman 1st Class
Jan 31, 2021
Does anyone have a photo of this aircraft flown by Johnson? Must have been early 1944 when 49th FG switched from P-38s to P-47s. Johnson hated the P-47 so chose to fly a P-40 until they re equipped with P-38's. Below is a drawing of his markings.


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I just looked in the book "Jungle Ace" and it has no pictures of Johnson's P-40. Even after they transitioned to P-38's he used to go fly some missions in P-40's, just for fun.

AH HA! The book 49th Ftr Group by McDowell has a side view color drawing of Jerry Johnson's natural AL P-40 of the 7th Squadron an two pictures of it, one with him in the cockpit. Should I scan those for you?
Thanks MIflyer, but Fubar57 sent me some photos. Probably the same 2?
Thanks! It also shows a couple of details, bomb rack on lower wings and 3 stripes on spinner, probably blue white blue.
Thanks! It also shows a couple of details, bomb rack on lower wings and 3 stripes on spinner, probably blue white blue.

It certainly looks like the 2 darker colours on the spinner are the same, but what makes you say blue-white-blue? Possibly red-white-blue?
I looked at profiles in a couple of books on 49th Fighter Group, there's an Osprey book and the Squadron book where the first 2 photos in this discussion originated. Based on the profiles most of the P-40N's had the blue/white blue spinners, the only profile of Johnson's aircraft has the blue stripe at the back of the spinner and unpainted metal forward of the prop. This is the same way the kit instructions have it shown, but based on the photo from Jeffery Ethell Collection it is most probably blue white blue as the other aircraft in 49th are shown in profiles.
And then there is this interpretation. It shows a two colour spinner which is obviously different to the pictures posted above - unless Johnson had another P-40?.
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Interesting profiles, not sure where they came up with the Wellow spinners. (Yellow) But the photo above clearly shows a spinner with white center and 2 bands of what looks to be the same color, based on all of the other profiles and the photo I would have to say medium blue with white center stripe.
Interesting profiles, not sure where they came up with the Wellow spinners. (Yellow) But the photo above clearly shows a spinner with white center and 2 bands of what looks to be the same color, based on all of the other profiles and the photo I would have to say medium blue with white center stripe.

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