Looking for pics of late war FW200 transport camo/colors

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Jun 16, 2024
New guy here. I'm building the Revell 1/48 FW200 Condor. I'm aware of the early war Atlantic camo/paint but I want to build mine as a later war Eastern front transport.

Finding any quality pics or paint diagrams for this era of this plane has been difficult for me thus far.

Looking for 43-45 Eastern front/winter camo/colors/patterns for the Condor. Wondering if anyone has any good related pics or can lead me to websites showing them. Thanks.
Hey there, MG3. I don't know but I'm sure there's a few here who would.
I should first have introduced myself. I built a lot of military models when I was young in the 70's. Later life got in the way and I stopped building. I'm now an old guy (60) and just retired and I'm getting back into it as a hobby. So much of the hobby has changed since then. Now I want to take my time and build as accurately as possible. I mostly did US planes in the past BTW.

I've found a few grainy small pictures of the late war Condors which all appear to be the same plane but nothing to really show me what most would have looked like. So far I'm 'guessing' that the Atlantic Condors when transferred to transport service would have had the base 2 tone green/black green camo with light grey line patterns applied over them. Or were some painted like fighters from that era?

Hoping to find some good pics or painting diagrams to go by.
I should first have introduced myself. I built a lot of military models when I was young in the 70's. Later life got in the way and I stopped building. I'm now an old guy (60) and just retired and I'm getting back into it as a hobby. So much of the hobby has changed since then. Now I want to take my time and build as accurately as possible. I mostly did US planes in the past BTW.

I've found a few grainy small pictures of the late war Condors which all appear to be the same plane but nothing to really show me what most would have looked like. So far I'm 'guessing' that the Atlantic Condors when transferred to transport service would have had the base 2 tone green/black green camo with light grey line patterns applied over them. Or were some painted like fighters from that era?

Hoping to find some good pics or painting diagrams to go by.
Hi and welcome. Nice going back to building kits.

Try here a thread of mine you wont be bored i promise: eBay: Focke Wulf Fw200 Condor
Excellent! Thank you.

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