Looking for SBD-1 and SBD-2 erection and maintenance manuals

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May 16, 2015
Have been searching unsuccesfully for the SBD-1 and SBD-2 erection and maintenance manuals. Any help in finding them would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Interesting site. Unfortunately they only have the E&M manual for the -6 Dauntless. Thanks for the help.
If it is personal interest, most institutions won't have time to do much in the way of help. If it is a real restoration, most people who have one would share their copies or would trade off something for copies.
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Nice manuals
but injecting some seriously immature humour into the topic, the title 'SBD-1 and SBD-2 erection and maintenance manuals' with those letterings not meaning Service Bomber Dive(/Diving) could stand for the Serious Big D*ck Erection and Maintenance manuals, for some differeing types 'medical assistance' products..
I wasn't meaning to belittle your works Greg, apologies.

To your below posting, yes I fully understand their engineering realted usage and intention of usages to aid in servicing and preperation for service usage of the manuals.
It was the rarely likely hood of combining the immaturely improvised mix of created anacronisms of SBD to the context of the manuals secondary title usage in a phallacously inuendoed manner, again my apologies.
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No worries. I thought much the same myself some years back when I first saw one.

However, when you get a plane in pieces ina crate and construct jigs and things and build it up into a flyable crate with life in it, the meaning becomes clear.

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