My name is Erik and I´m a diver from Sweden. I have a question about a possible lost Liberator aircraft in the Kattegat. But first some background information.
On april 20th 1945, at 1944 hrs, a Halifax Mk3 V9-H (502 sqdn) left Stornoway on an anti uboat mission in the Kattegat. The pilot was flight lieutenant W.G Powell. At 1945 hrs Halifax Mk3 BY-S (58 sqdn) left Stornoway, with pilot squodron leader J.R Howard, and at 1958 Halifax Mk3 V9-M (502 sqdn) with pilot flight lieutenant K.N Clark left Stornoway also on anti uboat missions.
A few hours later, on april 21 1945, at 0005 hrs V9-M with pilot flight lieutenant K.N Clark observed 3 German ships in position N 56 48 E 12 10. The pilot dropped 7 500 pound bombs on the ships and after this he circled over the target observing smoke and flak from the ships.
At 0040 hrs V9-H with pilot flight lieutenant W.G Powell got a radar contact of the three German ships and atacked them in position N 56 39 E 12 13 and dropped 7 bombs. One of them hit one of the ships.
At 0103 hrs BY-S with pilot squodron leader J.R Howard heard about the German ships. At 0155 hrs the pilot dropped 7 bombs on the ships.
At 0630 hrs V9-M landed on Stornoway after the mission.
At 0702 hrs V9-H landed on Stornoway after the mission.
At 0715 hrs BY-S landed on Stornoway after the mission.
The German ship that was sunk by the Halifax aircraft was the minelayer Ostmark. The ship is a well known wreck today and lies in position N 56 38 E 12 16 (In the Kattegat between the island of Anholt and the town of Halmstad in Sweden).
Now the question:
In the local swedish newspaper from the time of the sinking of Ostmark there is an article that states that a light was seen as if an aircraft was shot down. I have not found any sources saying that an aircraft was shot down but a fisherman I talked to who lives in the area claims that he got some parts from a Liberator aircraft in his trawl and he gave me the position, which is just next to where Ostmark is located. I have been at the place and something is down there but I have not checked it out yet. As I said, I have not found any sources claiming a Liberator aircraft was shot down that night. Do you know anything about this?