Lost Liberator aircraft?

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Nov 21, 2008
My name is Erik and I´m a diver from Sweden. I have a question about a possible lost Liberator aircraft in the Kattegat. But first some background information.
On april 20th 1945, at 1944 hrs, a Halifax Mk3 V9-H (502 sqdn) left Stornoway on an anti uboat mission in the Kattegat. The pilot was flight lieutenant W.G Powell. At 1945 hrs Halifax Mk3 BY-S (58 sqdn) left Stornoway, with pilot squodron leader J.R Howard, and at 1958 Halifax Mk3 V9-M (502 sqdn) with pilot flight lieutenant K.N Clark left Stornoway also on anti uboat missions.

A few hours later, on april 21 1945, at 0005 hrs V9-M with pilot flight lieutenant K.N Clark observed 3 German ships in position N 56 48 E 12 10. The pilot dropped 7 500 pound bombs on the ships and after this he circled over the target observing smoke and flak from the ships.

At 0040 hrs V9-H with pilot flight lieutenant W.G Powell got a radar contact of the three German ships and atacked them in position N 56 39 E 12 13 and dropped 7 bombs. One of them hit one of the ships.

At 0103 hrs BY-S with pilot squodron leader J.R Howard heard about the German ships. At 0155 hrs the pilot dropped 7 bombs on the ships.

At 0630 hrs V9-M landed on Stornoway after the mission.
At 0702 hrs V9-H landed on Stornoway after the mission.
At 0715 hrs BY-S landed on Stornoway after the mission.

The German ship that was sunk by the Halifax aircraft was the minelayer Ostmark. The ship is a well known wreck today and lies in position N 56 38 E 12 16 (In the Kattegat between the island of Anholt and the town of Halmstad in Sweden).

Now the question:
In the local swedish newspaper from the time of the sinking of Ostmark there is an article that states that a light was seen as if an aircraft was shot down. I have not found any sources saying that an aircraft was shot down but a fisherman I talked to who lives in the area claims that he got some parts from a Liberator aircraft in his trawl and he gave me the position, which is just next to where Ostmark is located. I have been at the place and something is down there but I have not checked it out yet. As I said, I have not found any sources claiming a Liberator aircraft was shot down that night. Do you know anything about this?


Hi Erik,

there were 3 B-24´s shot down on Apr 20,1945 and 1 on Apr 21,1945. I don´t know anything about their crash sites, but having the following dates you can start your search....

Apr. 20, 1945:
42-94816, MACR 14189, 492ndBG,858thBS - crashlanded in Norway, more at B-24
42-73474, MACR 14303, 380thBG- ditched in South China See, more at "PATCHES"
44-50285, MACR 14?57, 308thBG- haven´t found anything on this A/C, if I´m not wrong this BG was stationed in China and later in India

Apr. 21, 1945:
42-95592, MACR 14182, 466thBG,78thBS- lost over Germany, Accident Reports.com - AIRCRAFT SERIAL NUMBERS

Should you need these MACRs, go to Footnote - The place for original historical documents online

Now it´s your turn, I gotta go to watch icehockey match...
The aircraft I´m looking for is supposed to have crashed in 1945, not 1944.

anyway, the question is, if it really was Liberator and also the date of its crash could be different to the date you´ve posted, few days before or later perhabs. I´ve noticed many times the eye witnesses mixed more events with different dates in one event after 60+ years...
Keep us informed on your underwater research please...

An old post I know, but I am researching my Uncle who went down in the Kattergat on 9th April 1945 in a Liberator from RAF Leuchars. His body was subsequently found washed up on the beach in Marstrand and is buried in CWGC Kviberg Cemetery, Gothenburg, Sweden.

There was another Liberator aircraft that went missing on 21st April and the crew and plane have never been found and I cannot find any reports as to why. Details of the report can be found here:
206 Squadron: Coastal Command - Historical Manuscript.

1894253 Sgt Air Gunner, George A Ellison died 4 days before his 21st birthday along with 11 others on the flight and his was the only body recovered.

Hope this may help your investigations.

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