Low flying A-20s of No.342 Squadron

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Target discrimination in a cluttered environment was difficult in WWII. The closer the antenna was to the ground the harder it was to sort out the return signal from the ground/water. Also, the closer the target was to the ground the harder it was to sort out the return signal. The Germans usually sited their coastal radars as far above the ground as practical, which would have increased the detection range to a degree. But flying low to the ground/water decreased the detection range, and it was often possible to delay detection until the aircraft was already within visual range.

IIUC the Luftwaffe used the same tactic against the Chain Home radar system during the BoB.
Not at that height, the amazing thing is they did it at night in Lancasters at the same height at times. Supposed to be 100ft, one bomber on Operation Chastise (dambuster raid) lost the bomb when it hit the sea, which isn't always as smooth as in the video.
Despite the date being shown as 1943, I think this is a newsreel film released much later, using a compilation of film footage, a common occurence at the time, due to censorship.
I've seen much of tis footage in a film describing the return of this French Squadron to France, some time after "D-Day", with the closing scenes showing the Bostons landing on a French airfield, taxiing in, and the crews celebrating as they disembark.
I therefore believe that the stripes on the camera ship wing are painted-over AEAF stripes.

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