Major Technical updates

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Aug 21, 2006
Well for those that havent been around for the last couple of day's Ive did a kinda major update to the technical area of adding more stuff.

Suggestions, questions, comments and such welcome. I have a few more days off so there could be more updates.

Add on's are more then welcome. If you are afraid to post some thing then email me and I will see if I can post it for you.

Enjoy and thanks for your time. Paul (aka Micdrow) :lol:
Got anything on the P-61?

Ive got three different books specifically on the P-61. Anything in particular you are looking for. I also can look around for some info.


  • P-61.JPG
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Well, nothing in particular. Besides the Corsair, the Black Widow is my favorite plane and just wanted to learn a bit more about it on the technical side.
Well, nothing in particular. Besides the Corsair, the Black Widow is my favorite plane and just wanted to learn a bit more about it on the technical side.

I will see what I can put together. The P-61 seems to be a very rare bird to find info on. My father loves the P-61 so Im always on the look out for info for him on it also. The corsair I have tons of info on as you probably know. Lot of its is in the pilot manual area.
Ok guys, Ive condensed and added a couple of more sticky notes above. One for the Australians and there history and another for the Pacific.

Please feel free to add to these as I am limited on data for this area as I mainly research the med and Africa area now. I do have a ton of data on Europe and could start a topic in that area as well if there is interest or I get time. Let me know as this is your area as well as mine.

Im just building a archive here at random or what peaks my interest at this time. Basically I need your feed back on what you would like to see. No gurarentee's it will be there but will try. Other wise I will keep doing what I have been and work in different area's at random.

Thanks for your time

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