Maple Syrup 2015

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Jeff Hunt

1st Lieutenant
Jul 20, 2012
Guelph Ontario Canada
For those of you who have tasted the golden nectar that is pure maple syrup, not that store bought crap, you know how exciting this time of year is. Yesterday was one of those days. Not too cold, just a hint of warmth in the air following a cold night. It has been like this for the past few days in my neck of the woods and so I got to tapping some sugar maples and yesterday I made my first maple syrup of the season.

65 litres of sap gave me 1.7 litres ( thats right, a forty to one ratio )of pure liquid gold. It took about 13 hours to boil it down but when it was finished I had the best syrup that I have ever made. A beautiful golden hue, thick when cool and oh so tasty and sweet. Just what a diabetic doesn't need but come on, every once in a while.......


Only ever had the store-bought stuff - probably made in the UK anyway, with the only relationship to the maple being the name on the label !
That was pretty good, so your's must really be the business !
Only ever had the store-bought stuff - probably made in the UK anyway, with the only relationship to the maple being the name on the label !
That was pretty good, so your's must really be the business !

The plan is to bring you and your mates some when we meet up at Duxford. Only thing more Canadian than maple syrup is hockey and I can't bring that with me.

Sounds good to me - and I presume you mean ice hockey, 'cos in the UK, only girls at good schools play hockey !

Let me perfectly clear about 'hockey".

From a Canadians point of view the only hockey in the world that does not need a descriptor is what those of you not from Canada call ice hockey. I get the rest of the world and their love affair with all sports slow moving and with big balls. Makes it easy for you all to keep up on the (lack of) action. (ice)Hockey is the fastest moving game in the world where humans, without machines, compete against one another all the while on thin strips of steel on a sheet of ice. We don't take time out to eat cucumber sandwiches or stand around in a group holding hands trying to figure out what to do on the next play.

All you need to know is that hockey players warm up by playing soccer......ooopps I mean " football"

Ball Hockey
Field hockey
Road Hockey
whatever hockey



Jolly good - a real man's sport then, not like that poofy football we have over here - waste of good grass, and far too much air time on TV, and exposure in the Press !
And the snotty-nosed prima donnas who play it need to get a proper job, and earn in a year what they earn in a week !
Served over sliced banana is very smooth ... I use it in barb'q sauce with soya sauce, sweet hot mustard and a drop of oil ... maple syrup doesn't carbonize like processed sugar does. It's a natural spring tonic that cleanses the system
When I think of hockey I cry because we are loosing our beloved Islanders to, of all places, Brooklyn. Might need a quart of the sweet stuff to get my spirits and blood sugar way up!
one of the local parks taps trees and makes syrup every year. they get enough to have a one day festival where you can get a pancake breakfast smothered in their syrup. i usually buy a years supply. when i was young store bought Log Cabin ( in a tin container that looked like a cabin ) was real maple syrup. as the year progressed they watered it down with man made stuff using high fructose corn syrup ( like soda companies ) to the poitn where it doesnt contain a drop the real syrup. the older i get the more i switch back to the REAL stuff like maple syrup, butter, etc...
Made some more syrup this past saturday but now things have frozen up here for a couple of days. Hopefully it will warm up later this week ( called for) and that will get the sap running again.



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