Martin B26 Marauder

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picture of a heavily damaged B-26 from the 9th Air Force. I think it may be 6B*H from the 599th Bomb Squadron, 397 Bomb Group. I'm not sure if it's serial #43-34405 or #4468138. Can you help me identify the B-26? The crew that day were:- 1.Lt Edward B Dunn; 2.Lt Edwin H Armstrong; S/Sgt Oliver W Hartwell; T/Sgt James B Sims; S/Sgt Jesee M Ellerbee; S/Sgt John J Wagner. Dunn and Sims were wounded; Ellerbee was killed. B26.COM 2011 Guest book - dedicated to Martin B-26 Marauder Men. Martin B-26 Marauder
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NOTE: Turret moved forward!
Martin "XB-26E" Marauder
The designation "XB-26E" was unofficially applied to a weight-reduced version of the B-26B/C that was produced by the Martin-Omaha Modification Center in January of 1943. B-26C-5-MO 41-34680 was selected for the tests.
Somewhat whimsically, the stripped-down aircraft was named Gypsy Rose, after the well-known stripper of the day, Gypsy Rose Lee. The gross weight was reduced by some 2600 pounds by deleting certain things such as provisions for AFCE, the SCR-287 liaison radio set, the navigator's seat, oxygen equipment, the toilet, astrocompass, astrodome, astro-graph, outlets for electrically-heated clothing, the K-38 camera mount, plus the rear bomb bay racks.
As part of the program, the dorsal turret was moved forward and mounted over the radio operator's compartment. This resulted in an improved field of fire, and the relocation actually improved the flight characteristics. The plane was tested at Wright Field in March of 1943. Many of the weight reductions tested ended up being applied to the "single-pilot" B-26C-5-MO.

Martin "XB-26E" Marauder
After some digging, found another picture of "Pistol Packin' Mama!", serial number 41-31672:

Still trying to find the info on the other XB-26Es, can't find any serial numbers. Very happy to finally see a picture of the mythical B-26 with a forward turret in this thread!

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