Masking with clay

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Jul 9, 2017
Southeast U.S.A.
I have some irregular squiggles to mask on my Bf 109 project. I have seen clay
used to a pretty good effect giving a softer edge. I have some Craftsmart plastina
modeling clay, will this be suitable and not leave any oily substance on my base coat?
If you have your next project handy, paint the inside of a wing, let it dry, then try the clay and see if there's a reaction. I just used some Lepage poster tack on my FM-1 build and it left no residue. I'll probably use it on my Fw 190 as well
They make liquid mask and that probably would work better.

But I don't think that Play Dough leaves a residue. As to what I'm doing with some Play Dough, that's a story beyond the scope of this topic.

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