Max Offensive Stores for He 277 Bomb Bay?

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Senior Airman
May 29, 2015
Hello, I was looking at the wikipedia article on the He 277 and it said:

As someone not too knowledgeable about German bombs and bomb bays in general, could someone please do some quick caculations on what the heaviest bombload the bomb bay could handle? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
As someone not too knowledgeable about German bombs and bomb bays in general, could someone please do some quick caculations on what the heaviest bombload the bomb bay could handle? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Using the DB603A engine at maximum continuous combat power (which was unlikely) the He-277 had 8.97 hours endurance with a 7,084kg bomb load flying at 307kts /29,000ft. The He-277 was also designed to carry two 1,200L external fuel tanks beneath the wings, meaning range was boosted by 1,500km.

General von Barsewich noted to Knemeyer that six He-277 (He-177 B-5) were built & test flown at Zwolfaxing. Two were equipped with the DB603G engine and one with the Jumo 213F. Twelve Jumo 213F powered He-277 B-5 were scheduled for delivery by May 1945.

equipped with the DB603A engine the He277 had a service ceiling of 36,000ft
equipped with the DB603N engine the He277 had a service ceiling of 49,210ft

Sorry I can't tell you physically what the dimensions permit in terms of bombs. the maximum weight permitted would be 7,084kg.

It is worth noting 25 surplus Me-264 wings were proposed to be fitted to He-177 fuselages creating a 56 tonne hybrid aircraft. It was calculated this hybrid could carry a 3.000kg bomb load 12,500km / 6,749nm. RLM charged Hauptmann Nebel with the task of putting this hybrid into production.

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