Here is a quick summary of FW 190 units serving in the Mediterranean:
Fighter Units
- II./J.G. 2 arrived in Tunisia in early November 1942, and left for France in mid-March 1943
- I./J.G. 2 arrived in southern France in January 1944, then moved to Italy in late-February 1944. It returned to southern France in April 1944, and then back to northern France. The 4. Staffel had Bf 109s, and the Gruppenstab, 1., 2. and 3. Staffeln had the FW 190.
- Jagdgruppe Süd operated some FW 190s over southern France between late-1943 and June 1944, before moving to Germany
Reconnaissance Units
- N.A.Gr. 13 arrived in Tunisia in November 1942, and returned to France in December 1942
- N.A.Gr. 13 operated FW 190s from southern France in 1944, flying off the Italian and Corsican coasts
Fighter-Bomber Units
- III./Z.G. 2 arrived in Tunisia in early November 1942, and was re-designated III./S.K.G. 10 on 1 December 1942. It subsequently served over Tunisia, Sicily and Italy, and left Italy in October 1943
- Stab Sch.G. 2 arrived in Tunisia mid-March 1943, and subsequently served over Sicily, Sardinia, Corsica and Italy. It was re-designated Stab S.G. 4 in October 1943, and left Italy for the Eastern Front in early July 1944
- I./Sch.G. 2 converted from the Bf 109 to the FW 190 in April-May 1943, served over Sicily and Sardinia, and left for Austria in August 1943
- II./Sch.G. 2 arrived in Tunisia mid-March 1943, subsequently served over Sicily, Sardinia, Corsica and Italy, and was re-designated I./S.G. 4 in October 1943. It then served over Italy, and left for the Eastern Front in early July 1944
- Stab S.K.G. 10 arrived in Sicily in mid-June 1943, served over Sicily, and left for the Western Front in September 1943
- II./S.K.G. 10 arrived in Sicily in mid-June 1943, and served over Italy until re-designation as II./S.G. 4 in October 1943. It then served over Italy, until leaving for the Eastern Front in early July 1944
- IV./S.K.G. 10 arrived in Sicily in mid-June 1943, and served over Sicily and Italy until leaving for the Western Front in August 1943
There were no FW 190 fighters operating over Anzio in the first month, only S.G. 4 fighter-bombers.
As for Bf 110s over the Bay of Biscay, on 8 October 1943 there were three engagements between II./Z.G. 1 and Allied fighters. Spitfires were sent out on dedicated anti-Bf 110 patrols, and eight Bf 110s were shot down, with two others landing with damage. In return, the RAF lost two Spitfires destroyed and one damaged. II./Z.G. 1 left France for Austria in October/November 1943.
Andrew A.