The Me 261 was originally designed as a long range record breaking aircraft, and was intended to transport the Olympic torch from Berlin to Tokyo for the 1940 games.
Once war started it was put on a low priority.
However, was there roles in which the Me261 could have been successful?
Long range reconnaissance, perhaps over the Atlantic? Could it have performed a similar role to the Fw200 Condor? I haven't seen any mention of payload, and it's fuselage was small - though big enough for crew bunks. Also, didn't the Fw200 carry its bombs in the under fuselage gondola?
Kay and Smith, German Aircraft of the Second World War suggest that further development was blocked because additional military equipment would require reduction the fuel that could be used, so reducing the range. But as the range was estimated at 11,000km, nearly 3 times that of the Condor, I would think it had plenty to give.
Also, if used in the maritime reconnaissance/bombing role how much defensive armament would it require? In the mid Atlantic what armed allied aircraft would be able to catch the Me261 (top speed 385mph)?
Once war started it was put on a low priority.
However, was there roles in which the Me261 could have been successful?
Long range reconnaissance, perhaps over the Atlantic? Could it have performed a similar role to the Fw200 Condor? I haven't seen any mention of payload, and it's fuselage was small - though big enough for crew bunks. Also, didn't the Fw200 carry its bombs in the under fuselage gondola?
Kay and Smith, German Aircraft of the Second World War suggest that further development was blocked because additional military equipment would require reduction the fuel that could be used, so reducing the range. But as the range was estimated at 11,000km, nearly 3 times that of the Condor, I would think it had plenty to give.
Also, if used in the maritime reconnaissance/bombing role how much defensive armament would it require? In the mid Atlantic what armed allied aircraft would be able to catch the Me261 (top speed 385mph)?