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Agreed. I really think it's great they have restored it to flying condition but I'm not sure I'd want to be the one doing the flying.

It I read it correctly, they are basically new built Jumos. The parts being built with modern materials. It should not have the same issues.

How are they controlling engine speed and EPR? The 'ole Onion didn't seem to work so well. I seem to recall it caused a few flameouts.
When "Watson's Whizzers" captured the Me-262's they found that the Germans had destroyed all engine records, making it impossible to know just how far along each engine was to its typical 25 hour service life. That made flying the airplanes to a place where they could be put on a ship to go to the US rather dicey.
How are they controlling engine speed and EPR? The 'ole Onion didn't seem to work so well. I seem to recall it caused a few flameouts.

Probably the same way as the original jet, I'd imagine. The Zwiebel was unreliable in that it used to break from its mounting, then plug the orifice, leading to a flameout. Presumably this is well taken care of in the modern jet - you'd think/hope so. There are other concessions to modernity, such as its main wheel brakes and I noticed the Riedel is electrically started; dunno what might have been incorporated into the engine management system, if anything.
I appreciate the nod to authenticity. A CJ610 would still have been wiser.

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