Me 262A-1a camo scheme ? (1 Viewer)

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Chief Master Sergeant
Jan 18, 2011

Maybe a future project (GB#65) ? I'm looking for informations regarding Me 262s camo schemes according to their date and place of manufacture.
The subject is Me 262A-1a wnr.110404 "white 7" from Kdo Nowotny flown by Franz Schall on the bad day of 8 Nov.1944. I know this aircraft was manufactured at Leipheim (stammkennzeichen TT+FR) but I don't know the date of manufacture (so the camo scheme).

Other point and maybe other project regarding Franz Schall, we know that he flew a "white 1" during October 1944 but the wnr. is unknown (170047-KL+WA or/and 110479-NF+BG, both from Leipheim)?
Accordind to some sources, both were "white 1" !!!
Schall F. (Lt)-Me262A-1a, 2 Kdo Nowotny, Hesepe, octobre 1944.jpg
Schall F. (Lt)-Me262A-1a, 2 Kdo Nowotny, Hesepe, octobre 1944a.jpg

Profile number 107. Flown by Leutnant Franz Schall, Kommando Nowotny, Achmer/Germany, October 28, 1944. © Claes Sundin 2009 text: Christer Bergström 2002
Published by Schiffer Military

I know this profile and I like very much the work of C. Sundin but in this specific case, I prefer to rely on Jochen Prien's book: Jagdfliegerverbände der Deutschen Luftwaffe 1934-1945 teil 13/V page 13: 04.10.44, Oblt Franz Schall, 2./Kdo Nowotny, Me 262 A-1 wnr.170047 (no number), crash landing (25%), Braunschweig-Waggum, transfer flight.

And on page 14: 28.10.44, Oblt Franz Schall, Staffelführer, 2./Kdo Nowotny, Me 262 A-1 wnr.110479 (no number), landing gear damage, crash landing (12%), Hesepe.

We can find also on page 14: 08.11.44, Oblt Franz Schall, Staffelführer, 2./Kdo Nowotny, Me 262 A-1 wnr.110404 weiss 7, Engine failure in air combat with P-51, crash (100%) near Quakenbrück. Pilot bailed out (safe).

And regarding "white 1", we can read here post #229:
351. This is an Me 262 A-1a of 2./Kommando Nowotny. Note that the aircraft numeral is on the nose and that there is no narrow yellow band behind the cockpit as on EKdo 262 aircraft. The pilot pictured here is Staffelkapitän Oblt. Franz Schall whose Me 262 W.Nr. 170047 "white 1" suffered 25% damage due to nose wheel failure on a stop-over at Braunschweig-Waggum on his transfer of an Me 262 from the Lärz detachment to Hesepe on 4 October 1944. The Me 262 camouflage in this picture has a low demarcation line on the nose at the wing root level. In contrast to the fuselage, the camouflage on the engine nacelle has a relatively high demarcation line.

And here post #17:
37. It is known for certain that this is a photograph of a Me 262 A-1a of Kommando Nowotny. On 8 November 1944, near Achmer, Lt. James W. Kenny of the 357th FG shot up W.Nr. 110404 White 7, causing Oblt. Franz Schall to bail out. Kenny then photographed the empty Me 262. These photos show the features of the kommando's aircraft: 1. very dark upper camouflage (including the forward nacelle cowls) whose demarcation with the RLM undersides is very low on the fuselage; 2. the individual aircraft numeral on the nose signifying a training or proving unit; and 3. the absence of the yellow band on the rear fuselage that indicates a unit is converting pilots to fly jets.

38. Oblt. Franz Schall, staffelkapitan of 2./Kdo. Nowotny stands in front of his Me 262 A-1a W.Nr. 110479 White 1 conversing with his crew chief. Because this aircraft was damaged on 28 October, Schall was flying White 7 on 8 November.

No access to the photos, no account at 12 O'clock High ! But it seems that the photos in my first post could be wnr.110479...?
invalid pictures because lots of tech problems
Site owner has to juggle around to keep site in the air. Cost money to upgrade etc.

Dont think those pictures are accesible anymore.
That is a shame. And a reason ( one of) why i started posting here.

Lets give a round of applause and an well ment attaboy to our HorseUsa.
Profiles modified according to the informations in the post #4
Schall F. (Lt)-Me262A-1a, 2 Kdo Nowotny, Achmer, novembre 1944_1.jpgSchall F.-Me262A-1a weiss 1, Kdo Nowotny, octobre 1944.JPG
These aircrafts were manufactured at Leipheim, can we know the date of manufacture? If I'm not mistaken the camo scheme regarding Me 262s change during August 1944 from RLM74/75/76 to RLM81/82/76.
Steph, when I did my A-2, David E. Brown was knowledgeable and a big help. I don't have contact info but I know he posts at Britmodeller.
Andy, I don't have account at Britmodeller 😟

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