Heavy bombers as a trend were more stable than medium bombers, which makes them a better bombing platform. However, in the overall accuracy evaluation of WW2 bombing, this would at best be a footnote.
Altitude must affect accuracy it is obvious with an unguided weapon. IIRC the Lancasters didnt drop the Tall Boy on the Tirpitz from the maximum altitude possible because they actully wanted to hit it. The Tall Boy and Grand slam wernt made to hit a particular target but destroy the foundations and create a small earthquake cöose to the target.
Medium bomber must be more accurate in dropping bombs on an undefended target. However a medium bomber over Berlin in daylight would be toast. As I recall the mossie used a shallow dive to put off the predicted ack ack
Anything can accurately bomb a target which isn't shooting back. Just attack at minimum altitude at the slowest possible speed. Go around for a second try if your fire control solution isn't perfect on the first attempt.
However most targets prefer to shoot back and/or take evasive measures. I certainly wood.
Anything can accurately bomb a target which isn't shooting back. Just attack at minimum altitude at the slowest possible speed. Go around for a second try if your fire control solution isn't perfect on the first attempt.
However most targets prefer to shoot back and/or take evasive measures. I certainly wood.
Anything can accurately bomb a target which isn't shooting back. Just attack at minimum altitude at the slowest possible speed. Go around for a second try if your fire control solution isn't perfect on the first attempt.
However most targets prefer to shoot back and/or take evasive measures. I certainly wood.
I agree 100% but the statistics that are posted are frequently about things like radar installations or with the mosquito prisons and Gestapo centres. The late war bomb sights were accurate provided you could put all the correct parameters into it and fly straight and level to the target. Ideal against something with only a light defence. Medium bombers didnt do 1000 aircraft raids, they were tactical bombers. If a squadron of medium bombers went for a heavily defended target in daylight they would get roasted. Part of the defence of the heavy bombers was their sheer numbers by day or night.