Merlin 40 series performance curves??

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Another thing the detailed graph you posted illustrates is the way that even quite authoritative information can be in error. In this case, the RR illustration was generalised to the point of being in error. Whereas, the specific engine performance data showed the correct detail. This sort of weakness in original data is something that crops up regularly.

In all seriousness, that is the primary reason I decided to make the spreadsheet. There were just too many odd numbers or patterns that did not make sense, sometimes from what seemed to be authoritative sources. It has only been in the last 10 or so years that many of the question marks have been answered by the uploading of original source documents to the internet.

The secondary reason I made the spreadsheet is that I am an AR type. :)
Anal Retentive :)

(of a person) excessively orderly and fussy (supposedly owing to conflict over toilet-training in infancy).

a person who is excessively orderly and fussy.

Anal retentiveness is a personality trait that is characterised by excessive concern with trivial details
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