I found a metal part in a forest in Croatia.
I am thinking it might be part of an airplane because of shape and material and because there are rumours that in WWII a plane crashed somewhere in that area.
Its about 3 m long, from 8x2cm on the thick end to 4x1cm on the thin end
Covered with two rows of about 400 holes /rivets and a stronger construction hole on the thick end
I found some numbers /IDs on it, maybe someone can identify these:
(dots stand for unreadable characters)
SC206 (found twice)
6/23 313&.10..1
And there is a signet ".22" inside two oval lines, maybe "P22"
And in a circle I read RTL 84
See attached photos
Any ideas what this ?
I am thinking it might be part of an airplane because of shape and material and because there are rumours that in WWII a plane crashed somewhere in that area.
Its about 3 m long, from 8x2cm on the thick end to 4x1cm on the thin end
Covered with two rows of about 400 holes /rivets and a stronger construction hole on the thick end
I found some numbers /IDs on it, maybe someone can identify these:
(dots stand for unreadable characters)
SC206 (found twice)
6/23 313&.10..1
And there is a signet ".22" inside two oval lines, maybe "P22"
And in a circle I read RTL 84
See attached photos
Any ideas what this ?